Upcoming Events

At Camp White Branch we host various retreats and events because we believe that adults need to disconnect from their daily lives too! We encourage participants to explore the gorgeous surroundings nature, continue to refresh and renew their faith in God, learn from our guest speakers, have the opportunities to volunteer and serve at the camp, and make or renew long lasting connections. Check out our upcoming events below!

Memorial Day Work Weekend

Date: May 23-26, 2025 
Arrive after 3pm on Friday and departure at 11 am on Monday
Projects: All Skill Levels 
Details: Bring your work clothes and shoes! You can come for a day or stay the weekend! Please be sure you bring a sleeping bag, pillow, personal hygiene items, a towel, and other items you might need. Meals will be provided. We can make adjustments for those that are dairy or gluten sensitive and vegetarians. 

Groups, families and individuals are welcome!

Please register HERE after April 1, 2025. Please fill out the details so we know all pertinent information to make this work weekend a great experience! You can also contact us at cwboperationsmanager@gmail.com

We look forward to having you help us!

Summer Launch Work Weekend

Date: TBD 2025 date 
Arrive Friday and depart Sunday at 11 am
Projects: All Skill Levels 
Details: Bring your work clothes and shoes! You can come for a day or stay the weekend! Please be sure you bring a sleeping bag, pillow, personal hygiene items, a towel, and other items you might need. Meals will be provided. We can make adjustments for those that are dairy or gluten sensitive and vegetarians. 

Groups, families and individuals are welcome!

Please register HERE. Please fill out the details so we know all pertinent information to make this work weekend a great experience! You can also contact us at cwboperationsmanager@gmail.com

We look forward to having you help us!

Women's Prayer Retreat

Women’s Connection Fall Retreat

Dates: September 20-22, 2024
Ages: Women – Adults
Price: $105   ( addtl $50 for rafting option)
Director: Nancy Kernutt
Speaker:  Pastor Jenny Elliot 
Worship Leader: Angellee Kloppman
Theme: ” Trust in the Lord…”  Proverbs 3:5-6 

Come enjoy prayer, worship, and a time of fellowship with other women. Both planned activities and free time to go hiking, relax, play games, or go offsite for other activities in the area. Enjoy the peace and solitude of the camp for this special event!

Registration information http://www.chognorthwest.org

Men's Advance

Men of CHOG Retreat

Dates:  August 23-25, 2024
Ages: Men – Adults
Price: $95 if prepaid
Director: Bill Marble
Speaker: Pastor Aaron Hiller
Worship Leader: Pastor Martin Shrout
Theme: “Cultivating Strength”

Come enjoy a time of worship and be enriched and inspired by our guest speakers. Enjoy offsite and onsite activities during free time plus fellowship and games with other men.  Come be rejuvenated in the natural setting of the camp.

Registration information http://www.chognorthwest.org

Camp Hall

Look forward to seeing you at one of our events!