What better way to spend your time as a group, with friends or family than at Camp White Branch, nestled in the Willamette National Forest between Eugene and Sisters. Come enjoy all we have to offer!
General Rental Information:
- In order to reserve your dates, we will ask that you sign a contract, agree to rental terms (certificate of insurance, administrative rules, etc.), and make a down payment.
- Renters need to provide a certified first aid/medical person during your stay.
- Check in is at 3:00pm the first day of rental and check out at 11:00am on final day.
- We ask that you care for our facility while on site. Renters will be expected to pay for any damages caused to the property or equipment beyond normal wear and tear.
- We do not have internet or wifi for rental guests and cell service isn’t available by any carrier.
- Renters are responsible for set up and clean up all areas used. This means things back as they were upon arrival (a checklist will be provided). Currently we don’t charge a cleaning fee to keep prices low. One may be assessed if necessary.
- Camp White Branch is not responsible for loss or damage to any group’s personal property. Please plan accordingly if you need secure storage on site.
- Renters are expected to adhere to all rules posted at the facility, provided during booking, and in our user guide.
- Illegal drugs, smoking, firearms, weapons, alcohol, and fireworks are prohibited on site.
View interactive map to see the facility layout.
If you are interested in booking the facility, please Contact Us to connect with our reservation manager.